Friday, October 21, 2016

Digital Portfolio - Checkpoint #1

So far in the marking period what I've been working on outside of school first of all is a making concept for a script i'm writing centered around teenage drug dealers. But, the concept itself that intend to write the script on, isn't necessarily realistic in terms of the scenarios because I intend to make the film stylized and maybe a bit exaggerated in terms of how realistic it is, it's kind of  like i'm putting teens in a sort of situation that the characters in films like Scarface and Godfather are in. Like Organized crime in New York or Miami... But with teens from Central PA. Usually when I start script-writing I like brainstorming first on what characters would look like, how they would act, how to make them different and unique next to other characters. As well as, thinking about who I know who would a role the best or where to shoot. When I do write scripts, most of the time I do these things before even writing the script which has been productive for me before but, other times it's also been the reason why I give up on writing the script itself. This is due to me just getting lost in the concepts and brainstorming or just breaking up the concept I had to make some other new ones.

To make concepts of what certain characters will look like instead of drawing them I use this program called Plotagon. Most people use this program for simple animation skits and such but I use the character creator to make concepts on what i'm aiming for most of the characters look like (based off of which friends I may want for the role) and be dressed like.

These are screenshots of some character concepts:

Aside from that, I will also be acting in both of Tommy's films with Brian as the cinematographer.

and dropping a fire mixtape.
nah jk. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Work Log 10/11/16

Monday- Continue with concepts and potential scriptwriting

Tuesday- Draw concepts on script characters

Wednesday- Research on certain things within script

Thursday- Work on dialogue

Friday- Start looking for potential actors

Why Music is So Very Important in Film:

In cinema, music is a very pivotal and important tool. It can sometimes be an accessory to a scene or even be the best part of a scene, the whole mood of a certain part of a film could be completely different with different pieces of music. An example of this is in a video below.

In the video above you can see, the whole mood and perspective of the audience looking at the scene completely changes based on the music being played throughout the scene. Music selection most of the time is a very looked over detail by beginners, yet crucial part of film.

In many scenes in works of Cinema, the music chosen for a certain scene can make that scene notorious because of the way a scene is shot combined with the music to create a potentially legendary scene in Cinema due to how those two are combined to make something beloved to many viewers. Next to dialogue, music is one example for a non-visual reason to love a film.

Another example of very a famous scene incorporating music would be the scene from Quentin Tarantino's film Reservoir Dogs. In the scene it shows character Mr. Blonde "interrogating" a cop and ending up beating on him and even cutting his ear off, the song "Stuck in The Middle" is played during this which plays out as a contrast to what's going on, an upbeat and quite happy song going on while Mr. Blonde is torturing someone. It gives the mood of the scene a sort of sick, twisted, playfulness and dark humor to it, which Tarantino is known for.